Friday, November 7, 2014

Journey Through Seasons Permuted Tumbling

Spring had been lost
A long time back
When little feet were still a toddler's
The toddling began early, but the little one
Needed yet to be carried a while,
Till the body was stronger
That was not to be -
And a harsh summer of a desert had
Burdened one with a adulthood

The Goddess of compassion and love,
Had poured a secret stream

Secret, because her demons were
Determined to punish her
For all her goodness, her noble way, her beauty, her strengths
Punish her for not stooping down or descending to their ways, their lows
Punish her by tearing her first one to shreds
And let her watch it tortured
To a lingering death.

A cool breeze of a seashore
Brought relief
And then filled sails
For the ship that was to
Carry one from the still hot
West coast of the sunlit land of the tropics
To the dark cold east coast
Across the globe.

A short interim of relief
In the long journey fleeing demons towards life
To bring back life and light to those still in the harsh desert
A short interim of relief
In the long trek on sharp stones
All too short an interim
Of a cool month
One flew to across icy storms -

A short interim of relief,
A moonlit month in the
Evergreen forest
While snow was still on the paths that traversed between tall pines, spruces, ceders
One walked hand in hand with someone whose loving heart one trusted,
And climbed tall ladders to little houses
High up in tall trees
Or in a swing
Swings one had been denied all too long
One soared a little to skies all new
Cared, loved, cocooned in a gentle silk heart .....

Feeding deer that came trusting
To feed from morsels at one's hand
And then ran away at the soft click in the distance
Of a camera's shutter

It was not yet spring though
Only the last days before spring would bloom forth
If only one stayed -
A very beautiful cool shaded sheltered
Moonlit month in
An evergreen forest
Walking hand in hand
On paths that went ever so soft
Between the tall evergreen trees.

That could have been the life
Heaven beyond dreams that it was
But was not to be
If one wanted it for life, for ever
One had to choose it over
All that was one's soul,
Mind and heart and truth of one's being
And could not!

Heart lost somewhere in the forest paths of the evergreen forest
Lost and uncertain one returned
Home to the shores of west coast sunsets
Of every evening a rainbow festival lit up skies
When the golden orb dipped into the gentle oceans
And then lit up skies with the eternal festival of
Diamond brilliant stars
And white sapphire planets' dance across time's wheel

A short interval of uncertain times
Gift of telescope and borrowed binoculars
Scanning starry nights, peering at crescent of Venus and
Walking on seashore evenings, nights, eclipses,
Waiting for the moment for future to arrive ......

And then on to dark cold
Eastern shores across the
To a new home
More beautiful than the
Heaven beyond dreams that was left behind
One did not know it then, forever -

To a new home
More beautiful than the
Heaven beyond dreams -

Snow falls
Cold that turned
One's bones to water
One was proud, exhilarated
Having survived the wind chill far below zero
And departures of hopes of love, life
For now -
Working for future, for those still thirsting for a raindrop in the deserts,
To find a path through so one could find a home
For them and for one's own
Striving on upwards ....

And then there was
A soft, cool, shaded
Summer of breezes
Starlit dusks wafting music of grandeur or
Of gentle strains under tall trees
On grass by the lake in
Reached by beautiful routes of
New England
Genteel cafes along the way
Evenings under tall trees on grass
Dissolving into starlit nights of

A brief, all too brief
Beautiful, cherished forever interval of time
A short respite from the lonely deserts was thrown to repeatedly
A short respite when life stood still
And let one drink in

Again, not forever -
Continuing that beauty would risk what
One needed to live for
To rescue from deserts and demons
And so one had to
Return to one's own routes
That went through harsh deserts
And descended through hells
And met en route, the

Once in New England one had
Wished for an
Autumn flame red
But spring came after a
Second time of diving into oblivion
And brought one back once more to the edge of the
Evergreen Forest.

How does one one even begin to
Translate that spring on paper?
The blossoms that bloomed
When an interrupted end of winter
Two decades back
Now sallied forth and
Blossomed into spring!

Myriad blossoms of fragrance
Tulips in every hue that coloured the paths
And daffodils sunlit along every path

Magnolias that lit up like pink pearl sapphires
Gardens and one's views
Cherry blossoms that brought
So much bliss to heart -
- Oh, that spring!

And now, just when
One had thought nothing could surpass those
Momentary respites, those brief moments, those all too brief
Interims of beauty
Autumn on silent footsteps
Stole in -

My Autumn dawns
Golden Rose Glow
Beneath a gentle
Blue Heaven
Of brilliant Sapphire hue
That purity of white peaks
Attempts to reach
Surrounded by the
Blue green
Evergreen cypresses, ceders, spruces, pines
Of life and its
Blue white diamond sapphire
That our paths go
Winding along
Up hugging steep mountain sides
Down green valleys
Twisting and turning

My autumn glows gentle
with forests turning deep green to golden greens
Redgolds and hues of
Every possible Rose bloom.

A journey of sheer
Beauty - !